Chemicals + Wireless Radiation/Electromagnetic Fields = Higher Cumulative Toxic Load
It is a known fact that lead, air pollution, and other toxic chemicals can damage our health and, more specifically, these toxins can damage brain development. In addition, wireless and EMF radiation can synergistically increase the effect of these daily toxic exposures because of the ways in which wireless radiation alters the body’s natural functioning.
Wireless radiation has been shown to damage sleep and the blood-brain barrier, which in turn can lead to higher toxic load on the body. Furthermore, well done replicated research studies have found that a known carcinogen exposure in combination with wireless and EMF exposure leads to a significantly increased risk of cancer development.
Wireless Alters Sleep Architecture.
Sleep is critical to health. Recent scientific discoveries have added to our understanding of how deep sleep not only consolidates memories but is actually a time when the brain cleans out toxins. A 2013 NIH-funded study suggests sleep “clears brain of damaging molecules associated with neurodegeneration.” Therefore, sleep damage could decrease the brain’s ability to detox at night.
Research also shows that radiofrequency electromagnetic field (RF-EMF) exposure decreases deep sleep,decreases REM sleep, affects brain activity during sleep, alters circadian rhythms, and results in sleep related cognitive changes. Reducing wireless exposures will lead to a healthier deep sleep and allow more time for your brain to detox.
Wireless Radiation Impairs The Body’s Ability To Protect Itself From Toxic Chemicals By Damaging The Blood-Brain Barrier.
The brain’s protective barrier—called the blood-brain barrier—is composed of tightly knit endothelial cells, which line the walls of the blood vessels in the brain, creating a barrier that blocks the entry of chemicals and toxins. However, replicated research shows that wireless radiation increases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier, allowing more movement of toxic chemicals into vulnerable organs. In other words, the toxic chemicals circulating in our blood from everyday exposures have an easier time reaching our brain. Imagine our brain has a strong fence around it. Wireless pokes holes in the fence.
World Health Organization (WHO) invited expert scientist Dariusz Leszczynski wrote a post Cell Phones and Blood-Brain Barrier: Chinese scientists confirm findings of Swedish Salford group noting, “My research group at STUK also suggested in a study published in 2002 that blood-brain barrier function of human endothelial cells might be impaired due to activation of p38MAP kinase/Hsp27 stress response pathway.”
Wireless Has Been Shown To Increase Children’s Symptoms Of Lead Poisoning.
A 2013 research study published in Public Library of Science (PLOS One), found that children exposed to lead who made more voice calls on their cell phone were at significantly greater risk of developing ADHD symptoms. Moreover, a significant dose-response relationship was observed between the number and duration of voice calls made on cell phones and ADHD risk among children exposed to lead in their environment. The study authors explored the research showing blood-brain barrier permeability as a possible reason and state that:
Non-Ionizing Radiation Is Used As A Medical Treatment To Deliver Chemotherapy Into The Brain Because Of Its Ability To Open Up The Blood-Brain Barrier.
Think about it. If non-ionizing radiation can move a drug more easily past the blood-brain barrier, it also make sense that it can move other chemicals—unwanted chemicals—into the brain. EMF can heal and harm.
Early U.S. Military Research Showed That Wireless Opened Up The Blood-Brain Barrier But Was Dismissed.
Please read Allan Frey’s published commentary “Security concerns during the Cold War may have led to the generation of misinformation on the physiological effects of microwave radiation from mobile” where Frey describes his early research indicating increased blood-brain barrier permeability after RF exposure. Soon after he published his findings, the research was supposedly replicated by a Brooks Air Force Base group showing “no effect” but, after much pressure from the scientific community, the Brooks Air Force Base contracting group finally revealed that they had, in fact, not replicated the work.
Frey writes: “After much pressure from the scientific community, he finally revealed that he had not, in fact, replicated our work. We had injected dye into the femoral vein of lab rats after exposure to microwaves and observed the dye in the brain within 5 minutes. The Brooks contractor had stuck a needle into the animals’ bellies and sprayed the dye onto their intestines. Thus it is no surprise that when he looked at the brain 5 minutes later, he did not see any dye; the dye had yet to make it into the circulatory system.”
Wireless Acts Synergistically With Toxic Exposures To Significantly Increase Cancer Risk.
Research shows that wireless and other electromagnetic radiation exposures can act as a co-promoter, meaning that the effect of the known carcinogen is intensified when wireless is added into the mix. It is like mixing drugs. In other words, one plus one can be greater than two.
In 2013 the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) specifically notes, “Four of six co-carcinogenesis studies showed increased cancer incidence after exposure to RF-EMF in combination with a known carcinogen…” on Page 2, WHO/IARC Press Release. Tables showing this research are found on page 279 of the IARC Monograph on Non-Ionizing Radiation, Part 2: Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields.
In the 2015 replication study Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans, published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Jacobs University researchers describe how their new study replicated an earlier experiment, finding that weak cell phone signals promoted the growth of lung and liver tumors and lymphomas in mice. Read the Jacobs University press release on the study.
Dr. Kostoff and Dr. Lau detail how EMF adds to an organism’s cumulative load stating:
Read the 2013 published paper here.
In 2016, Morgando Soffritti and colleagues published two papers, one which examined the synergistic effects between sinusoidal-50 Hz magnetic fields and formaldehyde and the second between magnetic fields and lose-dose γ radiation. Compared to untreated controls, exposure to MF and formaldehyde caused a statistically significant increased incidence of malignant tumors (P 0.01), thyroid C-cell carcinomas (P 0.01), and hemolymphoreticular neoplasias (P 0.05) in males. No statistically significant differences were observed among female groups. In the second study, resulted showed significant carcinogenic effects for the mammary gland in males and females and a significant increased incidence of malignant schwannomas of the heart as well as increased incidence of lymphomas/leukemias in males, leading researchers to call for a re-evaluation of the safety of non-ionizing radiation.
Additional Research On Other Types Of Electromagnetic Fields Adds To The Weight Of Evidence Showing EMF Can Act As A Tumor Promoter.
The 2016 The Ramazzini study confirmed previous research showing that rats developed higher than expected rates of certain cancers after being exposed to a known carcinogen plus ELF-EMF. In this study, rats that received a single low-dose of gamma radiation early in life and were exposed to magnetic fields for their entire lifetime developed higher than expected rates of three different types of cancer: breast cancer, leukemia/lymphoma, and an extremely rare and obscure tumor called malignant schwannoma of the heart.
These animal results support indications in human studies that found ELF could increase tumor growth. The 2014 published INTEROCC study found positive associations between ELF-EMF exposure and gliomas in workers, concluding, “Occupational ELF exposure may play a role in the later stages (promotion and progression) of brain tumorigenesis.”